Derek Susalla, PA-C

Derek Susalla, PA-C

Derek Susalla, PA-C is a physician assistant specializing in general psychiatry. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Central Michigan University, attaining a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology and attended Wayne State University where he received a Master of Science degree in Physician Assistant Studies. Derek recently applied for a Certificate of Advanced Education from the Obesity Medicine Association. He is the core provider for “Medabolic”, RCBM’s weight management program, and is always accepting new patients. Derek is dedicated to helping patients reach their weight loss goals and reduce the medical risk factors that are often associated with obesity. He is a member of the Obesity Medicine Association and affiliate member of the PA’s in Obesity Medicine.

Derek also practices private outpatient psychiatry and cares for patients with all behavioral disorders. He has a particular interest in treating adult ADHD, treatment-resistant depression and anxiety with novel medications on the market. Derek has a passion for health and wellness, which drives his interest in treating comorbid obesity in addition to psychiatric conditions.

Derek is a preceptor for the University of Detroit Mercy Physician Assistant program and was named preceptor of the year of 2022. He enjoys giving back to the profession, teaching psychiatric and obesity medicine to the students who round with him for their behavioral health rotation requirement. Derek is actively involved in advisory boards, along with national speaker bureau’s for pharmaceutical companies and currently presents the novel ADHD medication, Qelbree. Derek has great interest in new medication options that maximize efficacy and minimize side effects. He is passionate about improving patients overall quality of life. He is honored to be a part of the Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine team and hopes to extend services to patients for many more years to come.

Current patients  can reach Derek at