Individual Therapy

Individual psychotherapy is an approach in which all therapists at Rochester Center are highly trained. Individuals receive assistance in addressing issues related to self, family, school and work. Clients who chose to participate in individual therapy work together with their therapist to gain insight and increase coping skills in order to improve general mental health.

At the Rochester Center for Behavioral Medicine (RCBM) therapists work closely with the Psychiatrists, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, and if your case involves our Registered Dietitian, in a therapeutic team approach. This provides a broader viewpoint of existing mental health issues. When deemed necessary by the mental health professionals at RCBM, psychiatric evaluations, medication management, and medical nutrition therapy, along with family or marital counseling may be recommended. 

The professionals at RCBM also encourage clients to take an active role in participating in their therapy. Therapists may also provide psychoeducation through the use of videos, bibliotherapy, and opportunities to attend seminars pertaining to individual mental health issues. Please view our  Professionals page to view the backgrounds and related interests of a particular therapist at RCBM.