Managing Depression During the Holiday Season

Depression is common during the holiday season. For those who struggle, depression may become worse during this time. RCBM's Aundreah Walenski, LMSW shares tips for managing depression during the holiday season. 

1. Identify one or two things that might improve your mood like calling a friend, getting a cup of coffee, taking a shower, or watching a special show and schedule it on the calendar. When it comes to depression the small things make all the difference.

2. Move your body. Exercise can improve our mood and in the winter time it can be really hard to get our body going. Go for a walk or join a local gym. Do a virtual yoga class or find a buddy to exercise with.

3. Connect with others. When we are more depressed, we tend to isolate, which often makes ourselves feel worse. Make the extra effort to text your friend or go to that gathering.

4. Be mindful of your sleep and nourishing your body. When we sleep too little or too much or don't nourish our body enough, our mood tends to worsen. Set a bed time and an hour before bed, engage in a routine that will help you relax like reading or coloring before you brush your teeth. Make time to nourishyour body even if you don't have the energy.

5. Pay attention to your internal dialogue. Depression can cause negative thinking that often just makes you feel worse. Identify when you are having negative thoughts and write them down. Ask yourself, would I say that to my friend? If you wouldn't, it might just be your depression talking. Try to rewrite the thought to reflect what you would say to your friend.